Saturday, April 11, 2009


The 2007 documentary Sick-o was directed and written by no other the then democratic and biased Michael Moore. In this film, he shows real people telling their horror stories about the health insurance that they have or people who plainly could not afford health insurance in the United States. But, who was Michael Moore really attacking in this movie? At first, you would say the health insurance companies for what they do to people. Then maybe the hospitals for denying people treatment. Neither of these are right, he is attacking the Republicans and the great country of the United States just because he can. In this blog, I will explain why what Mr. Moore did is wrong and why this movie is the worst documentary I have ever seen.

First, all this man did was go around the United States and find people with unfortunate situations and he filmed their pain and sadness. Did he do this to prove a point? No, he did it to make a documentary movie with enough controversy that everyone would want to watch it. Everyone knows to, that when demand is high, the people will pay and they did. They paid Mr. Moore millions of dollars to go around and make our country look like crap. He did not do this for the people or to bring people to realization of what is going on. He did it to make millions off a flawed system. Just look at what he did, he filmed these people telling him their sickness and pain. Then he left to find the next great story to make the country look bad. Why, because he does not care. He just wanted the money from this movie and he got it in the form of 24.5 Million dollars from theaters in the United States alone.

Then, he decided to go to Canada, Britain and France to see how they do things and why can’t we be like them. This was an act of pure disgrace. Running all over other countries trying to show how bad America is compared to them. You know what Mr. Moore, if you do not like America and what goes on here. What is keeping you here? The other benefits of being an American or is it that you can make millions off our systems. I am sure Canada would just love you as their citizen. Heck, France or Britain probably would too, so just leave.

One thing that I thought was really interesting about this movie is how he kissed Hilary Clinton’s and every democrat’s butt. He would not slander her name or say anything bad about her or her husband. He says nothing about their past White House scandals. Was this because Hilary would be running for president soon and he did not want to get on her bad side? Now that there is a Democrat in the white house, will there be another video criticizing our government and what it does or is he going to take some time off and spend his money on more McDonalds and Donuts?

In final, I like how through all this work and effort to make our country look bad, he still had the nerve to make himself look like the second coming of the Messiah. He showed some bad things that had happened to people in this country, than he goes and is Mr. Nice Guy and takes these people to Cuba to get them help. If he wanted to he could have bought that one couple a nice little home, and treatment for the others, but instead he takes them to Cuba where it is practically free to have them treated. If this kind of system works, then why don’t we all just pack up and head to Canada when we are sick or need treatment. Also, he sends a check to the man that hates him most a check but doesn’t say who it is from. Then he tells it on his video to make himself look better. All because, he wants us to love and believe in him and not our own government. Well, I think if we should follow Mr. Moore, he should support and protect us. He doesn’t need all the 24.5 million that this movie made. Once he figures out that it is harder to run a country then he thinks, maybe he will shut his fat mouth or shove another donut in it, and either enjoy his freedom as an American or leave.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Matrix

The 1999 hit movie, The Matrix, redeifined all movies when it hit the big screen. The movie starred Keanu Reeves as Neo or “the one”. Neo was just a normal man until his eyes were opened by a man named Morpheus, played by Laurence Fishburne. He showed Neo that the world he was living in was not the real world. It was just a fake that humans were put into so the machines could use their bodies as power sources. As Neo began to believe in what he was seeing and himself, he began to become the one Morpheus was looking for. It was fate that made him “The one” that would be able to defeat the agents and bring the machines down. Even a backstabber and multiple gun shots to the chest would not be able to stop him on his way to his destiny.

This movie plays off the theme of machines taking over the world. It’s obvious that machines rule everything and humans were no longer the dominate intelligence in this world. They needed a hero, though, to come to the rescue of humanity and give people hope, that came in the form of Neo or as known as “The One”. All questions about why and how the machines came to power are answered when Morpheus tells Neo the real history of the human race. Then we find out why they picked Neo, but how did they decide to pick him. It says nothing about how they came to think that he was the one to help them. Did they just get this by instinct or what? They should have explained or went a little deeper on that so that a person could clearly answer all questions and figure out the relationship that separates Neo from everyone else. Even without that information, the movie was still able to succeed in trying to make us believe in Neo verse the computer. The movie does a really good job of setting up for the final show down and the transformation of Neo from a normal person to the rebel human to “The One”.

This movie looks like it was taken right from the Christian bible. Like the article, Journal of Religion and Film, says, everyone in the movie represents someone from the time of Christ. The ones that the article does not mention is the everyday ordinary people in the movie that were completely ignorant to what was going on. These are the people Neo is trying to save just like Jesus worked so hard to try to save everyone on earth. These people were used by the agents like puppets to switch from body to body doing whatever they liked and there was nothing they could do. This is just like people in past, present and future times. We want to be saved by Jesus, even if we do not know it or admit it. Like the agents used the people, the devil uses us humans to cause pain and dismay all over and then just disposes of us when we die like we are nothing, but there is one who cares. Neo, like Jesus, cares and wants to help all, but his hand is forced when it comes to facing off against the agents. I am also thinking that this movie did have a god like figure in it, contrast to what the article thinks. I believe that the Oracle is the god figure in this movie. She appears to be human, but has unexplainable future telling abilities. She knew what was going to happen before it happen and by giving her advice, she probably influenced the future. Who knows if Neo would have let Morpheus die, if the Oracle had not told him about his choice? She was the pushing force to the future and the deciding factor. She is not completely a god like figure, but she is the closest symbol to god.